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United Nations - 2022 December 12 - Impact investments, Donations & Philanthropists for Peace and Sustainable Development - Annual International Conference

7th International Annual Conference - High Level Workshop at United Nations See detailled presentation

United Nations - 2022 December 12 - Impact investments, Donations & Philanthropists for Peace and Sustainable Development - Annual International Conference

7th International Annual Conference - High Level Workshop at United Nations See detailled presentation

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7th International Annual Conference on Impact investments, Donations & Philanthropists for Peace and Sustainable Development - 12 December, 2022, United Nations
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Call for Contribution 2022 :

International Annual Conference on Impact investment, Donations & Philanthropists for Peace and Sustainable Development
In the frame of the 14th GENEVA FORUM at UN, December 12-16, 2022
United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland


Investment VS Donation

What is Truly the Best for Development ?

Monday December 12, 2022

from 09:00 to 17:00

Wednesday evening, from 19:00 to 23:00 : Networking Dinner of Philanthropy and Impact Investors Networks

Presentations will be held in english and french. Debates and questions will be organized in english and french.
Philanthropy and responsible investments: How to achieve a better impact

Traditional actors in international aid and cooperation, such as nation states and international organisations, have seen the emergence in recent years of new sources of financing for development aid. Firstly, the democratisation of impact investment (which seeks to make a social and environmental impact whilst generating a return) has encouraged access to a wider circle of investors. Secondly, there has been an evolution towards a so-called "active" philanthropy, which demands a measurable efficiency of the process and / or results.

Impact investment and active philanthropy represent innovative and responsive funding channels that should be promoted. They are characterized both by a specific "intent" from the investor or philanthropist, and by being essentially private i.e. independent of states and major international organizations. These characteristics allow a greater variety of projects to be selected and financed, as well as a greater independence in the types of action undertaken. They are therefore able to benefit a wider range of recipients.

The objective is to ensure that impact investments, philanthropy and donations give those organisations that are active in helping disadvantaged populations the necessary means to accomplish their mission.

However, the real effects on development and amount of support delivered to final beneficiaries are still poorly understood. Certain key issues, such as science education and its benefits for target groups, remain largely unexplored.

These sources of funding are proving innovative in the manner in which they support, and even anticipate current challenges: being more responsive and impact-oriented, they research, try out and adopt new strategies, particularly in social and environmental areas. Possible conflicts of interest will need to be identified and isolated.

The attitude and commitment of philanthropists has also recently evolved. Indeed, the substantial contribution of these philanthropic actors towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals was officially recognized at the Busan Partnership in 2011.

Our Conference aims to provide tangible responses to these issues. Thus, the workshops will:

  • Present the different types of financing and investments and their identities.
  • Present relevant research and validated solutions to increase their performance.
  • Enable the exchange of best practices and the experiences of both philanthropists and investors.

The GENEVA FORUM brings together those involved in impact investment and philanthropy as well as the political, economic, academic, technological and other sectors of society to shape the practices of tomorrow and to include innovative projects in a vision of social and environmental sustainability.

Leading Projects of Scientifical Projects Development and Crowd Sources Sustainable Solutions since 1992, and creating 1st Participatory Scientific Researches Camps in 2004, the NGO Objectif Sciences International have the Special Consultative Status to United Nations. Active in all continents, the NGO organize every year, since 2012, the International Annual Conference on Rights of Nature in United Nations, at which one participate all Governments actives in this domain or interested by these works. From 2016, and every year, OSI organize into the heart of the United Nations hemicycle the International Annual Conference on the CrowdFunding, Smart Finance and Appropriate Technologies, in order to allow all the actors and operators in these domains to exchange, meet and share directly and at the largest international level.
Crowd Sourced Finance

Operators of CrowdFunding, Smart Finance and Appropriate Technologies who exchange already at national and continental levels (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Middle-East...) and who desire to exchange together, and share practices and solutions, at the world level, meet together at the Annual International Conference organized in the United Nations.

Crowd Lending / Crowd Supporting / Crowd Investing / Smart Finance / Appropriate Technologies

Several public or associative organizations that are active in the domain of CrowdFunding, Smart Finance and Appropriate Technologies, federated or organized, at the national level. The main national actors, the federations, and the specific operators, organized presently at the international level, and are called to meet annually at the end of the civil year, at the International Annual Conference on the CrowdFunding, Smart Finance and Appropriate Technologies, at United Nations, in Geneva.

This annual space of sharing results and pooling of skills, allow to the actors of the domain to exchange practices, solutions, ideas, needs.

Your Annual Exchanges Resource

In the following of the national and continental meetings that are organized in each country and continent by the local federation, this International Annual Conference at United Nations allow the actors to implement in consultation, or to inform mutually, of progress and actions they lead during the year, or that they have in project.

The participants at this Conference are:

  • Local and regional actors of different countries
  • Thematic Actors by disciplines of finance and of crowdfunding
  • Regional or national federations
  • Thematic Federations, by disciplines of finance and of crowdfunding
  • Large Institutions of Finance, Sustainable Development and Economy
  • Government departments (Economy, Industry, Finance ...) and international associations of Ministries
  • Specialized Journalists (finance, economy, science, environment, education, sustainable development ...)
  • UN agencies (UNDP, UNEP ...)

Subjects that are in the agenda of this year are:

  • Standards and references of exchange on Participatory Finance practices between national and international organizations
  • National and international Charts of Participatory Finance, examples, projects, ongoing discussions of shares
  • Financing Solutions of the actions of Development and New Appropriate Technologies
  • Access of citizen actors to the Development of Projects beyond their simple financial contributions
  • Administrative Status / legislative / recognition / etc of actors of Smart Finance projects
  • The Citizen Participatory Finance, beyond the digital interface
  • Expected Features of web portals of Participatory Finance
  • Services for Participatory Finance provided by FabLabs
  • Dissemination and Exploitation of the results to the uninvolved Big Public
  • Road map for the mutual opening of the data collected

Detailed Program

Exchanges between stakeholders of the meeting will happen in a round table between speakers and debates with the audience of the Assembly.

Organiser : NGO Objectif Sciences International, Geneva

Chairman :

Mr Thomas EGLI
GENEVA FORUM at United Nations :
Know more about Thomas EGLI, Founder of Objectif Sciences International, CEO of the GENEVA FORUM

Co-Chairpersons :

Founding Partner
Holistik - wealth planning :

Content 2022

Here the Programme of the 5 days of GENEVA FORUM of December 2022, where are described the sessions dedicated to the Conference on Finance and Science for Peace and Sustainable Development Goals.

Programme of GENEVA FORUM 2023 (Public side)

Official Opening Session - Monday 12 December 10:00, 2022

Session organised by the Geneva Forum

  • Keynotes
  • Remarks on current situation
  • Remarks about concepts of the International Annual Conference

Presentations currently proposed for 2022

Validated Presentations

Interactive workshop: A new model of economic development, articulating Blended Finance, Engaged Philanthropy and Field Project Development Monitoring. With the Foundation in creation Geneva for Future

Simultaneous translation EN<->FR.

The Foundation’s team, specialized in the transformation of the change bringing projects into an economic viability, combines Values and Trust for Impact investments.

Our multi-disciplinary team is involved in the development of companies and NGOs. In this context, it has observed a mismatch between interesting projects worthy of sponsorship funding and the requirements of public and private funding bodies. This is particularly true in terms of the presentation of projects, in order to apply for funding and - at the end of the reporting exercise - to meet their standards.

This mismatch leads to a lack of productive interaction between projects and funding agencies. If they were brought together, the available funds, which are not being met, and the serious projects, which are not being funded, would have a much greater potential for societal impact, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

We propose to make available user-friendly and efficient instruments within a Foundation called Fondation de Genève pour le Futur, which could at the same time provide the necessary services, consulting, training and coaching to the actors concerned in order to make all these interactions fluid.

The workshop will consist in crossing the needs and methods of the different professional corporations attending (investors, financiers, bankers, philanthropists, project followers, evaluators, project owners) in order to consolidate the choices proposed by the Geneva for Future Foundation.

Mr Thomas EGLI and Mrs Christa MUTH, co-founders, Geneva Foundation for the Future, Switzerland

Presentations done in 2021

Validated Presentations

European Investment Bank ORAL PRESENTATION

  • Time for philanthropy, the role of the European Investment Bank (EIB)
  • The EIB Institute Social Programme: Social Innovation, Social Incubation, Microfinance and Financial Literacy
  • Impact investment, demand and supply mismatch
  • How can Impact Investment become mainstream ?

Mr Francisco de Paula Coelho, Dean, European Investment Bank Institute,

Back to basics: Investing in Humanity for social change through the Performing Arts ORAL PRESENTATION

Opera for Peace, Leading Young Voices of the World, circular culture, integrating blockchain-based platform: talking about connection / discovery / performing arts / strategic meetings and partnerships for a new and more meaningful impactful giving

Mrs Julia LAGAHUZERE, Co-founder & General Director / Femme de Culture 2020, Opera for Peace

Impact Investing and Philanthropy: Two Concepts, One Ethics ORAL PRESENTATION - ABSENT

It is usual to present philanthropy as an initiative aiming at the public good, while impact investing is described as the promotion of private interests.

Yet, it is less and less easy to support such a Manichean distinction between a practice deemed altruistic and thus morally desirable, and one regarded as egoistic and consequently morally condemnable.
Is this distinction relevant? Are philanthropists more respectable than impact investors? Ethically speaking it appears that a polarized approach might be misleading.

Mr. Emmanuel R. Goffi, CEO, Global AI Ethics Institute,

Addressing long-term food challenges with technology ORAL PRESENTATION

How Ag and Food Tech investments can yield new growth and sustainability at scale

Mr Nadim EL KHAZEN, Investment Manager, Private Equity, Edmond de Rothschild, France and Switzerland

Post Pandemic: How Blockchains Will Transform Healthcare ORAL PRESENTATION

Healthcare needs an update. It does not take a pandemic to realize that. Healthcare is perfectly positioned to be the next area of blockchain adoption because it is highly fragmented, full of intermediaries, and suffers from a lack of transparency and inefficient processes. dHealth Network addresses these problems because it is not controlled by any single player, can be accessed directly by all stakeholders as a peer-to-peer network, and functions as a layer of trust.

dHealth’s proof-of-stake blockchain enables privacy-preserving interactions among healthcare stakeholders without the need to build separate data-processing infrastructures.

dHealth Network provides the world’s leading framework for health-to-earn to industry players to power their use cases.

Our current live real world solutions include: Incentivizing patients when they give permission to use their healthdata, Real World Evidence Symptom monitoring and GDPR compliant retargeting, Tracking vaccines in Subsaharan Africa, Health Certificates protect vulnerable populations during the pandemic, etc

Dr. Quy Vo-Reinhard, Co-Founder / Director, dHealth Foundation, Switzerland

Digitalization as a tool to promote Internationalization of E-Commerce SMEs in Africa ORAL PRESENTATION

As the world is experiencing innovations in modern information and communication technologies revolutionizing the business environment, the internet also provides challenges and opportunities to new and existing companies which conduct business in innovative ways with a growing share of international activities. This new form of the marketplace on the internet “digital sales channels” differs from the traditional market environment. Their value creation and delivery seem to attract and encourage SME’s from emerging economies to explore the model to its delivery. Taking a look at the United Nations Sustainable eighth goal which factors the promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all which has the support by the current President of Ghana’s initiative as the head of the African Union on “transforming an economy through digitalization”, the use of these digital sales channels has created an avenue for E-Commerce businesses to thrive. COVID-19 has disrupted billions of lives and endangered the global economy.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects a global recession as bad as or worse than in 2009. As job losses escalate, the International Labor Organization estimates that nearly half of the global workforce is at risk of losing their livelihoods. Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, one in five countries home to billions of people living in poverty were likely to see per capita incomes stagnate or decline in 2020. Therefore in the regard to help reduce the job losses and create job avenues and opportunities, this research is undertaken to create awareness and help provide a new perspective in the E-Commerce industry. The study will look at how does the adoption of digital sales channels enable E-Commerce SMEs in developing countries to internationalize and enter into foreign markets.

Mr Oduro NANA YAW NKANSAH, Geneva Business School, Switzerland

Combining Crowdlending with A Crypto-Currency to Increase the Efficacy of Economic Development ORAL PRESENTATION

The efficacy of socio-economic development programs that utilise fiat currencies to provide economic aid, both international and domestic, whether to emerging nations or in many cases even within donor countries, is often limited by political, cultural and structural factors. The advent of blockchain technology, combined with different classes of cryptocurrencies and payment tokenization offer a novel approach that can multiply the efficacy of economic development aid and programs several-fold. The presentation will describe how such a novel approach can offer unprecedented efficacious solutions, utilizing three examples: 1- The UK government’s recent decision to reduce international development assistance from 0.7% to 0.5% of GDP; 2- The income gap between indigenous and non-indigenous populations: the case of Canada’s sovereign First Nations; 3- The catastrophic economic collapse of the Lebanese economy that was accelerated by the Beirut port explosion in August 2020, exacerbated by a crash of more than 90% in the value of the national fiat currency in a matter of months.

Mr. Rachad ITANI, President, and Mr. Alberto RAVAGNI, Phoenix Economic Developement Agency (PHOEDA)

Announcement: Geneva Foundation for Future, Values and Trust for Impact investing ORAL PRESENTATION

Our multi-disciplinary team is involved in the development of companies and NGOs. In this context, it has observed a mismatch between interesting projects worthy of sponsorship funding and the requirements of public and private funding bodies. This is particularly true in terms of the presentation of projects, in order to apply for funding and - at the end of the reporting exercise - to meet their standards.

This mismatch leads to a lack of productive interaction between projects and funding agencies. If they were brought together, the available funds, which are not being met, and the serious projects, which are not being funded, would have a much greater potential for societal impact, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

We propose to make available user-friendly and efficient instruments within a Foundation called Fondation de Genève pour le Futur, which could at the same time provide the necessary services, consulting, training and coaching to the actors concerned in order to make all these interactions fluid.
Mrs Christa MUTH, co-founder, Geneva Foundation for the Future, Switzerland

Presentations curently in Validation process

The role of Reinsurance in The Economic Develpment of Emerging Countries ORAL PRESENTATION

<docNNNN|left> The reinsurance industry provides many important contributions to the economy : as insurer in last resort, it brings liquidity to primary insurers in case of disasters and insures their solvency ; it pools large risks coverage ; it brings capacity and reduces costs attached to large risks insurance ; it guarantees insurability of all risks and can promote innovation in coverage products. It so contributes to the development of primary insurance in emerging economies in Non-Life as well as Life Insurance. Therefore, it promotes economic efficiency, by substituting market financing to public budgetary resources, which then can be devoted to other more important uses in terms of development, such as Infrastructures, Education or Health financing.

Mrs Josephine Sandrine BILOA, Entreprise Financière et d’Assurance, Chad


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To Propose an Abstract for Presentation

Deadline for the presentation : Still open
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