Home > Full program > Sustainable Travel and Tourism for Peace and Development - Annual International Conference 11th December, 2023, Geneva
10th Annual International Conference on Travel and Sustainable Tourism for Peace and Development - 11 December, 2023, Geneva
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Call for Contribution 2023 :
International Annual Conference on the Travel and Sustainable Tourism for Peace and Development
in the frame of the 15th GENEVA FORUM, December 11-15, 2023
Geneva, Switzerland
The program
Monday December 11th, 2023
from 09:00 to 18:00 Monday evening, de 19:00 à 23:00 : Networking Dinner of Sustainable Tourism for Peace and Development Networks |
Presentations will be held in english and french. Debates and questions will be organized in english and french. | |
Leading Projects of Education to Science and Citizen Sciences since 1992, and creating 1st Participatory Researches Camps in 2004, the NGO Objective Sciences International have the Special Consultative Status to United Nations. Active in all continents, the NGO organize every year, since 2012, the International Annual Conference on Rights of Nature in United Nations, at which one participate all Governments actives in this domain or interested by these works. From 2016, and every year, OSI organize into the heart of the United Nations hemicycle the International Annual Conference on Tourism and Travel for Sustainable Development, in order to allow all the actors and operators in these domains to exchange, meet and share directly and at the largest international level. | |
Fair Tourism Operators of Tourism, Smart Traveling and Alternative Pedagogy who exchange already at national and continental levels (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Middle-East...) and who desire to exchange together, and share practices and solutions, at the world level, meet together at the Annual International Conference organized in the United Nations. |
EcoTourism/Travel/Tourism Future/Sustainable Development
Several public or associative organizations that are active in the domain of Tourism, federated or organized, at the international level. The main national actors, the federations, and the specific operators, organized presently at the international level, and are called to meet annually at the end of the civil year, at the International Annual Conference on Sustainable Development of Tourism, at Geneva.
This annual space of sharing results and pooling of skills, allow to the actors of the domain to exchange practices, solutions, ideas, needs.
Your Annual Exchanges Resource
In the following of the national and continental meetings that are organized in each country and continent by the local federation, this International Annual Conference at Geneva allow the actors to implement in consultation, or to inform mutually, of progress and actions they lead during the year, or that they have in project.
The participants at this Conference are:
- Local and regional actors of different countries
- Thematic Actors by disciplines
- Regional or national federations
- Thematic Federations, by disciplines
- Large Institutions of Tourism
- Travel agencies
- Government departments (Tourism, Education, Research, Environment, Industry ...) and international associations of Ministries
- Specialized Journalists (tourism, science, environment, education, sustainable development ...)
- UN agencies (UNDP, UNEP ...)
Subjects that are in the agenda of this year are:
- Sustainable Tourism Development
- Tourism as a social agent (poverty reduction, peace maker)
- Travel 3.0
- Tourism: a tool for Science Development (promote scientific and educational activities towards the advancement of common man’s life by improving the theory and practice of various disciplines and sectors of Tourism and Transport and many more)
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Sustainable development policies and Tourism
- The Sharing Economy and Tourism
- New types of Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Tourism management and marketing
- Sustainability Trends in the Industry
Detailed Program
Exchanges between stakeholders of the meeting will happen in a round table between speakers and debates with the audience of the Assembly.
Organiser : NGO Objectif Sciences International, Geneva
Chairman : Thomas EGLI, Founder of Objectif Sciences International, Head of the GENEVA FORUM
Moderators : Christa MUTH, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
Here the Programme of the 5 days of GENEVA FORUM of December 2023, where are described the sessions dedicated to the Conference on Tourism and Science for Peace and Sustainable Development Goals.
Official Opening Session - Monday December 11th 13:30
Session organised by Objectif Sciences International in the frame of the International YEar of Sustainable Tourisme for Development.
- Keynotes
- Remarks on current situation
- Remarks about concepts of the International Annual Conference
Presentations currently proposed for 2023
Presentations done in 2022
Validated Presentations
Geoeducation: Paleontology and Sustainable Tourism ORAL PRESENTATION
I aim to introduce the result of my participatory research project in a scientific journey I participated in Switzerland this year.
In this scientific stay, I discovered and observed archosaur imprints. Archosaurs are reptilians extinct since long ago. I offer you to join me at that conference to learn more about my research and this specific form of tourism which is the scientific tourism!
Mrs. PERRON STRADELLA Louise, Paléozoic, France, www.osi-paleozoic.org
Hotel activities and Sustainable Development ORAL PRESENTATION
Texts and studies abound to deal with the place that the hotel industry holds in tourism and the economy, among other things to analyze the trades and the means to be implemented in order to ensure the best possible training of the staff, to evaluate the performance hotel establishments or to deal with distribution, marketing, management, taxation, labor relations and ecology. On the other hand, the writings are very discreet on the link between the hotel industry and Sustainable Development, especially in its spatial dimension. The hotel industry generates direct and indirect spin-offs which can contribute a great deal, not without paradoxes, however, to the dynamism of cities, to their organization and to the development of their respective spaces. A quick overview of a few examples from Cameroon will allow us to see that tourism development structured around the hotel industry certainly benefits the economy of destinations and urban development in Cameroon, but imperfectly.
Mrs Pascale Claudia YACPOU BELINGA, Ladies News, Cameroun
Back to the wild ORAL PRESENTATION
The wolf has been reintroduced in Yellowstone NP (USA) in 1995. Through this field trip, based on scientific journalism, we studied the impact of the wolf on the ecosystem and its importance.
Mrs GRIFFON Eole, Mrs LACROIX Océane, Mr LE COZ Titouan, and Mrs HOANG Aline, BIODIVERSITA, USA
Protected areas in the face of demographic growth and development in Senegal. ORAL PRESENTATION
Senegal is one of the countries benefiting from a wide diversity of tourist potential (parks, nature reserves, historical monuments, cultural sites, etc.), which makes it special in the face of competition from other West African countries. Like many other destinations, Senegal is committed to the policy of protecting and enhancing natural resources through a more responsible form of tourism: ecotourism. Indeed, this type of tourism makes it possible to guarantee the safeguarding and perpetuation of biological areas, while enhancing them through environmentally friendly tourist activities that create jobs and generate income for the host communities.
The contribution of Protected Areas is essential to the conservation of ecosystems, the promotion of tourism and the socio-economic development of the populations around them. Ecotourism, which stems from sustainable tourism, is a means of enhancing the value of natural resources and at the same time generating viable and sustainable local development. Today, faced with a growing population, these natural areas are not only an ecological challenge, but are also considered as assets likely to contribute to the development of the populations living within, near and beyond the protected area.
Mrs BAYO Khadidiatou Alice Elisabeth, Université d’Angers, France, https://www.univ-angers.fr/fr/index.html
the sentinels of the sea ORAL PRESENTATION
We know little about underwater heritage, however it’s a huge source of knowledge about the past. We contributed to an underwater archeology project located at the border between France and Spain.
Mrs BERTUS Amélie and Mrs JONCKHEERE Marie, ONG Objectif Sciences International - OSI-CETIS, France, https://www.vacances-scientifiques.com/spip.php?page=advanced-research&rids=%5B576%5D
What kind of participatory research in astronomy can we do with young people ? Pedagogy and results in an hollyday camp. ORAL PRESENTATION
What form can participatory research in astronomy take with teenagers?
Participatory research is on the rise, especially in the huge field of astronomy. For the past three years, we have been setting up a protocol to take young people aged 10 to 17 to study exoplanets by themselves. This presentation will be an opportunity to resituate our choices in the context of current participatory research, to explain our pedagogical methods and our protocol.
Mr ROUMAZEILLES Maxime, ONG Objectif Sciences International - OSI-UNIVERS, France, https://www.vacances-scientifiques.com/spip.php?page=advanced-research&rids=%5B581%5D
Participatory research project in Iceland ORAL PRESENTATION
OSI Explor’Earth is a science education and participatory research programme aimed at raising awareness and understanding of the environment in which we live, and to better understand the issues related to human-nature interactions. The Iceland Glaciology Project is a citizen research project in which data on glaciers is collected and then used by Icelandic scientists.
Mr Hugo JOMIER, OSI-EXPLOR’EARTH, France, https://www.vacances-scientifiques.com/spip.php?page=advanced-research&rids=%5B579%5D
Towards restoration of the Przewalski horse and its ecosystem in Western Mongolia ORAL PRESENTATION
Created in 1990, the TAKH association works for the reintroduction of Przewalski’s horse on its ancestral lands in the steppes of Central Asia, for the preservation of its ecosystem and its biodiversity. It has a 400 hectare site on the Causse Méjean with ecological conditions similar to those of Mongolia, which in 1993 enabled the first horses from zoos to "relearn the wild". After several generations, two families of "Causse" horses were reintroduced to Seer in Mongolia in 2004 and 2005.
The site is divided into two enclosures (Le Villaret and Nivoliers); the alternating presence of these large herbivores in each enclosure allows for a renewal of the grazing areas. These free horses are now part of the landscape of the "causse nu" and together form an object of study and attraction. This Przewalski’s horse preservation site now serves as a genetic reservoir and reference population for health monitoring and long-term behavioural observations.
In addition to its scientific mission of biodiversity conservation, TAKH integrates mediation and the hosting of projects in residence in order to share its experience and its space, to encourage encounters and multidisciplinary approaches and expertise around the question: what Przewalski’s horses teach us about our relationship with the animal and its (our) ecosystem.
Mrs Héléna NITZE, Chargée de Développement, Pôle Ecotourisme Scientifique, TAKH - Centre des chevaux de Przewalski, France, www.reversethered.org/stories/przewalski-horse
Scientific trips to active volcanoes and introduction to volcanology ORAL PRESENTATION
For 40 years, we have been organising discovery and observation trips to active volcanoes around the world. Over the years, we have expanded our offer to include some fifty different trips of varying degrees of difficulty, which allow you to approach the eruptive activity in good conditions of effort and safety.
Some of our loyal customers have participated in more than 30 trips or expeditions with us. Some of them are scientists related to earth sciences and take advantage of our experience and logistics to access the volcanic areas. Several young people accompanied by their parents, fascinated by these natural phenomena, have decided to make this their profession after studying volcanology in French universities. For the past 20 years, we have also been running earth science courses for European schools on active Italian volcanoes. At present, more than 250 courses have been carried out for a total of about 7000 European students accompanied by their teachers and supervised by us.
We strongly believe that this kind of science tourism applied to participatory science will be in the near future a smart way to travel that can be applied to a multitude of other scientific activities.
Mr. Tanguy de Saint-Cyr, Aventure et Volcans, France, www.aventurevolcans.com
Terra Scientifica, the international event for meaningful travel ORAL PRESENTATION
Terra Scientifica is an annual exhibition organized at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris in March, by partners Objectif Sciences International (NGO) and Science&Vie (magazine).
This event aims to bring together all the actors involved in the "Scientific Trips" in order to promote the sharing of winning practices and generate collaborations in the development of projects that meet the objectives of responsible and sustainable tourism.
TS is also a mainstream event allowing everyone to discover a new kind of tourism in which they get involved. For the sake of a better world, with sustainable tourism practices, respectful for the nature and people.
Appearing as a real mediator and project facilitator, this fair will be complemented by training in participatory science and an annual committee which will give birth to the week of participatory science.
Mrs Mélanie JIMENEZ, Terra Scientifica, France, www.terra-scientifica.com
A scientific and sporting expedition to Southeast Asia to study and raise awareness about water pollution ORAL PRESENTATION
Students from the School of Agricultural Engineering are going on a 5-month cycling expedition to share authentic and constructive exchanges on the problems of water pollution.
They will travel light through five countries: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Bali to discover, learn and compare the reality of the places on the subject of water.
This expedition will be the subject of a report to raise awareness in their network.
To reinforce their awareness raising actions, they will be accompanied by the KOKEO coordination team on the spot to collect field reports from different water actors and experts which will be sent to the KOKEO Advocacy Committee for further awareness raising, especially with national and international bodies.
It is a replicable model for responsible youth in the world!
Mrs Vaddana KEO, Fondatrice-Présidente, and Mr. Bruno de Monteynard Responsable de la Commission de plaidoyer en charge des relations avec ONU, KOKEO, Cambodge, www.kokeo.org
Presentations currently in Validation process
With its 622 km 2, the Central African Republic is as large as Ukraine or as large as France and Belgium combined. It is a sparsely populated country (4.7 million inhabitants, according to the last census) and poor, with a GDP per capita of 446 dollars. It is a least developed country (LDC), with a development index that places it 180th out of 186 countries listed. With an economy characterised by the predominance of the primary sector (around 50% of GDP), made up of subsistence agriculture which employs 66% of the population, livestock, forestry and extractive industries (mainly diamonds). Processing industries remain embryonic, while the service sector is particularly dynamic, notably due to the breakthrough of mobile telephony. However, the political and security crisis in CAR has amplified the country’s usual economic difficulties. Forecasts for 2023 are disastrous, with the threat of a recession varying between 14 and 20%. Among the many challenges facing the country, the weakness of road infrastructure in rural areas (for such a large country) and the alarming rate of unemployment are essential brakes on development. To face these challenges, the CDA proposes the self-construction of rural roads, wooden bridges and the creation of artisanal activities in the country.
For the registration form, see below.
To Propose an Abstract for Presentation
Deadline for the presentation : Still open To submit a presentation, please use also the form bellow. |
Registration Form to the Event
- You contribute to the fees only if necessary (e.g. participation to a Networking Diner)
- To receive all information, please fill in this form as soon as possible
- Filling in this form does not give any obligation to participate. You will receive all the information by email as soon as the form will be validated. You can also consult the same information directly on your screen.
- For questions about access administration : please do not wait to ask for information via this form.
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What kind of actor can paticipate in the conference ?
The GENEVA FORUM is an annual meeting of the community concerned with sustainable tourism. The different national, regional and international actors from different countries and from the different disciplines associated with this theme will be here to share their practices, experiences and knowledges.
To meet this multitude of stakeholders, such as :
- associations,
- government departments,
- national and international organizations,
- journalists,
- …
will allow you to strengthen your current and future projects.
How to register to the GENEVA FORUM ?
To register, you need to :
1) Check the relevant pages of the conference to get the appropriate information
2) Fill out the pre-registration form by clicking on this link :http://www.osi-genevaforum.org/Registration.html
3) Please ensure that you have received the necessary instructions (check the spam folder) for your registration
4) If you are going to give a presentation, fill out the second registration and confirmation form.
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