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Opportunities of Ethical Business Projects for Sustainable Development - Dec 14 at United Nations

Presentations of educational, technological, scientific and environmental projects available to Business People, Industries, NGOs and Public Services See detailled presentation

Opportunities of Ethical Business Projects for Sustainable Development - Dec 14 at United Nations

Presentations of educational, technological, scientific and environmental projects available to Business People, Industries, NGOs and Public Services See detailled presentation

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The halfway point between the PORTO-ALLEGRE FORUM and the DAVOS FORUM ; the platform for the creation and development of projects for peace and SDGs.

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Each year, the members of NGO Objectif Sciences International NGO present the previous year’s Reports and the current Projects to various stakeholders who are interested.

The program

Presentations will be held in english and french. Debates and questions will be organized in english and french. Thank you for using the form at the bottom of the page to subscribe.

Implemented in your Country

Work in a Permanent Representation at the UN in Geneva; Come and discover the innovative and sustainable solutions proposed for new challenges on your national ground.

Ethical Business Opportunities

Your Public Service, the NGO you are in charge of, your Financial Institution, Foundation, or Industry, are willing to recover the benefits of innovative projects and solutions for the future.

The presentations given on Thursday morning at the Geneva Forum are intended to give you an overview of the projects that interest you.

Key Factors

These projects focus on levers that allow, through their implementation, to act on other additional points by by-products. They are therefore particularly interesting if you desire a lasting positive change.


Thursday, December 12, 2019
Room 1 and 2, Building to be defined, United Nations

Access from outside by the main entrance of Building E.

Room 1

08h50: Welcome of visitors
09h00: Thomas EGLI, Founder of the NGO Objectif Sciences International - Short introduction to the concept of the session, directed to Members and Visitors

09h10: EXPLOR’EARTH: Presentation of the 2019 Report and of the 2020 Project on Geology and Mineralogy in the Swiss Alps, Mediterranean Volcanoes, Iceland and USA Yellowstone Park
Mrs Chloé LOURY and Mr Karol MARTY, Head of the EXPLOR’EARTH Research and Education Program
(Related fields: Protection and safeguarding of rare resources exploited in the rocks of basements and soil, respect and protection of the Humans and Nature on the geological exploitations, search for exploitations and / or sustainable valorizations and respect of the environment, respect for the environment on recognized fragile environments and protect or safeguard, geological reserves, protection and safeguarding of soil cover, preservation and exploitation of groundwater ...)

09h45 : WATERWATCH: Presentation of the 2019 Report and of the 2020 Project on Appropriated Technologies and Survival Skills into Maroc and USA
Mrs Blandine QUAQUET, Head of the WATERWATCH Research and Education Program
(Related fields: Régénération des sols, Oasis, Traitement de l’Eau...)

10h20: UNIVERSE: Presentation of the 2017 Report and the 2018 Project on Astronomy and Astrophysics
Maxime SPANO, Head of the UNIVERSE Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: fundamental physics, technologies of the spatial detection, preventions of near-Earth objects, extrasolar planets, stellar detection, space phenomena ...)

10h50 : CHIP HACK’ADEMY + DRONE CONNECTION : Presentation of the 2017 Report and the 2018 Project on Robotics, Electronics and Technologies of Drones
Stéphane RODE, Head of the CHIP HACK’ADEMY Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: Applied physics, sensor technologies, electronics, user interfaces...)

11h25 : GROWING BY TRAVELLING : Presentation of the 2017 Report and the 2018 Project on Personal Development pedagogy by travelling
Rémy QUEHON, Head of the GROWING BY TRAVELLING Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: Personal Development, Awareness, Acting citizen...)

12h00 : PALEOZOIC: Presentation of the 2017 Report and the 2018 Project on paleontology
M. Christophe GIRONIS, Head of the PALEOZOIC Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: Geology, Evolution, Paleo-Ecosystems...)

12h30: Closing of the morning session

Room 2

08h50: Welcome of visitors
09h00: Marie DENIZET, Member of the Chief Operating Officers of the NGO Objectif Sciences International - Short introduction to the concept of the session, directed to Members and Visitors

09h10 : WILD ATTITUDE: Présentation des Projets à venir Etude du Comportement Animal
Mme Julie RODE, Responsables du Programme de Recherche Programme de recherche Collaborer avec des structures scientifiques. Participer activement à des programmes de recherche de sciences participatives. C’est possible avec nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. et d’Education WILD ATTITUDE
(Domaines connexes : interaction humain-autres animaux, (in)compréhension mutuelle entre espèce, modélisations, solutions de remise en situation sauvage, protection des espaces vitaux mutuels...)

09h45: PANTHERA: Presentation of the 2017 Report and the 2018 Project on Snow Panther Tracking in Central Asia
Anne-Lise CABANAT and Bastien CHAIX, Co-Heads of the PANTHERA Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: non-invasive animal tracking, population tracking, industry-biodiversity relationships, human-animal relationships, advanced technological practices such as the use of drones and dynamic cameras)

10h20: BIODIVERSITA: Presentation of the 2018 Report and the 2019 Project on Biodiversity Monitoring in Nepal, Switzerland and France
Sylvain ALLOMBERT, Head of the BIODIVERSITA Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: Inventories and monitoring of biodiversity, methodology of citizen inventories of biodiversity, analysis of local biodiversity conservation issues, impact of pastoral practices on biodiversity, tracking the return of the wolf in the Alps, monitoring the biological and ecological repercussions of the return of large predators)

10h50: PERCEPTION: Presentation of the 2018 Report and the 2019 Project on the knowledge of relations within ecosystems and their integrated management
Solène TOUZEAU, Head of the PERCEPTION Research and Educational Program
(Related fields: Inventory and audit of arboreal biodiversity, identification of plant communities, identification of presence, identification of new species, stimulation of plant growth, palynology ...)

11h25 : EXCELLENCE: Présentation du Rapport 2019 et du Projet 2020 sur la formation des jeunes à l’excellence par la pratique d’études sur le Droit de la Nature
Michèle EGLI, Responsable du Programme de Recherche Programme de recherche Collaborer avec des structures scientifiques. Participer activement à des programmes de recherche de sciences participatives. C’est possible avec nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. et d’Education EXCELLENCE
(Related fields: self-control and stress management, key relational behaviors to better understand others and know how to evolve with them, be clear and concise when speaking, feel comfortable in the world of media, organization of ’a round-table, project management, organize and structure his thinking, communicate his results, truthful sources of information, learn to learn, organization of a project to international science Science La science est désormais l’affaire de tous. Découvrez la science d’une manière ludique et active. Nous vous proposons d’en découvrir plus sur nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. goal, the research project...)

12h00 : PEDA NEPAL: Présentation du Projet 2019 en Pédagogie du Développement Durable au Népal
M. Clément BURZAWA, Responsables du Programme de Pédagogie et du Développement Durable NEPAL
(Domaines connexes : Protection et sauvegarde des ressources et de la nature, Responsabilisation et mise en oeuvre de solutions par chacun, résilience...)

12h30: Closing of the morning session

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