Home > Records > Participatory Research, Citizen Sciences and Fab Labs for Peace and Sustainable Development Goals > United Nations - 2018 December 12 - Participatory Research, Citizen Sciences, Crowd-Innovation and Fab Labs for Peace and Development - Annual International Conference
3rd Annual International Conference on Participatory Research, Citizen Sciences, Crowd-Innovation and Fab Labs for Peace and Development - 12 December, 2018, United Nations Organized by Objectif Sciences International,
in Official Partnership with ECSA and AddictLab
in Partnership of communication with Science Science La science est désormais l’affaire de tous. Découvrez la science d’une manière ludique et active. Nous vous proposons d’en découvrir plus sur nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. et Cité and Schweiz Forscht
(Other continental or worldwide networks, please contact us) Minutes 2018 :
International Annual Conference on the Participatory Researches, Citizen Sciences, Crwod-Innovation and Fab Labs
in the frame of the 10th GENEVA FORUM at UN, December 10-14, 2018
United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Here is the page of Minutes of a former Conference. To see the Program of this year, please look on this Program of Conference |
Wednesday December 12, 2018
from 09:00 to 18:00 Wednesday evening, de 19:00 à 23:00 : Networking Dinner of Science for Peace and Development Networks |
Presentations will be held in english and french. Debates and questions will be organized in english and french. | |
Leading Projects of Education to Science and Citizen Sciences since 1992, and creating 1st Participatory Researches Camps in 2004, the NGO Objective Sciences International have the Special Consultative Status to United Nations. Active in all continents, the NGO organize every year, since 2012, the International Annual Conference on Rights of Nature in United Nations, at which one participate all Governments actives in this domain or interested by these works. From 2016, and every year, OSI organize into the heart of the United Nations hemicycle the International Annual Conference on the Citizen Sciences and Participatory Researches, in order to allow all the actors and operators in these domains to exchange, meet and share directly and at the largest international level. | |
Crowd Sourced Sciences Operators of Citizen Sciences who exchange already at national and continental levels (Europe, America, Asia, Africa, Middle-East...) and who desire to exchange together, and share practices and solutions, at the world level, meet together at the Annual International Conference organized in the United Nations. |
Fab Labs / Citizen Science / Participative Researches
Several public or associative organizations that are active in the domain of Citizen Sciences or Participative Research, federated or organized, at the national level. The main national actors, the federations, and the specific operators, organized presently at the international level, and are called to meet annually at the end of the civil year, at the International Annual Conference on the Citizen Sciences and the Participative Researches, at United Nations, in Geneva.
This annual space of sharing results and pooling of skills, allow to the actors of the domain to exchange practices, solutions, ideas, needs.
Your Annual Exchanges Resource
In the following of the national and continental meetings that are organized in each country and continent by the local federation, this International Annual Conference at United Nations allow the actors to implement in consultation, or to inform mutually, of progress and actions they lead during the year, or that they have in project.
The participants at this Conference are:
- Local and regional actors of different countries
- Thematic Actors by scientific disciplines
- Regional or national federations
- Thematic Federations, by scientific disciplines
- Large Institutions of Science or Education
- Government departments (Education, Research, Environment, Industry ...) and international associations of Ministries
- Specialized Journalists (science, environment, education, sustainable development ...)
- UN agencies (UNDP, UNEP ...)
Subjects that are in the agenda of December 2018 are:
- Standards and references of exchange on Citizen Science practices between national and international organizations
- National and international Charts of Citizen Science, examples, projects, ongoing discussions of shares
- Financing Solutions of the actions of Citizen Science
- Access of citizen actors to the Research beyond their simple contributions
- Administrative Status / legislative / recognition / etc of actors of Citizen Science projects
- The Citizen Research, beyond the digital interface
- Expected Features of web portals of Citizen Science
- Services for Citizen Science provided by FabLabs
- Dissemination and Exploitation of the results to the uninvolved Big Public
- Road map for the mutual opening of the data collected
Detailed Program
Exchanges between stakeholders of the meeting will happen in a round table between speakers and debates with the audience of the Assembly.
Organiser : NGO Objectif Sciences International, Geneva
Chairman : Thomas EGLI, Founder of Objectif Sciences International, Head of the GENEVA FORUM
Opening KeyNotes Crowd Innovation : Jan Van MOLL, Head of AddictLab
Official Opening Session - Wednesday 12 December 14:00
Session organised in partnership with ECSA, AddictLab, Science et Cité and Objectif Sciences International.
- Keynotes
- Remarks on current situation
- Remarks about concepts of the International Annual Conference
2018 Presentations
Validated Presentations
Project Discovery Exoplanets | |
Project Discovery Exoplanets - a collaboration of MMOS, the University of Geneva and the massively multiplayer online game EVE Online - has been one the most active citizen science project in the recent years. It is a new paradigm: integrating scientific microtasks in major videogames as a seamless gaming experience. Come and hear about what science can gain from such collaborations and how to make a successful integration of games and science. Mr. Attila SZANTNER, Switzerland, MMOS, http://mmos.ch/ | |
Policy Brief: "Unleashing the Potential of Citizen Science as an Educational Tool towards the Sustainable Development Goals." | |
In this presentation, we will present you the main ideas of our policy brief, assessing the potential and challenges of citizen science for education and how it can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While educational programmes can address specific challenges across almost all of the 17 SDGs, this brief focuses on how citizen science can equip learners with life-long skills, knowledge, and attitudes that foster change-makers, as a direct contribution to SDG 4, Quality Education. For the case of Biodesign, we demonstrate the role that educational practices developed around citizen science can have by presenting a selection of inspiring initiatives currently taking place throughout Europe. In this way, this policy brief aims to support decision makers in education and science policy, including the European Commission, national and state Ministries and other stakeholders in integrating these non-traditional educational practices into existing funding schemes, education policy and curricula towards a more meaningful, transformative learning and teaching. Ms. Imane BAÏZ, France, CRI / Université Paris Descartes, https://cri-paris.org/ | |
RovOLA: a ROV to study fish populations in peri-alpine lakes POSTER | |
Peri-alpine lakes support an important diversity of fish species that play a major role in the functioning of these ecosystems and reflect their health status. Fish communities consist of a significant proportion of native species which are of strong socio-economic (widespread anglers and commercial fisheries), great natural and scientific interest. The RovOLA project was born from the meeting of a Fab lab, the "Fablac" and the CARRTEL research unit (Alpine Center for Research on Lake Ecosystems and Food Webs- INRA - USMB) and consists in working collaboratively to build a Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle (ROV). Outfitted with an high quality camera and high-output lighting system, and remotely controlled from the surface, this robot will be adapted to the needs of researchers to study fish populations, especially breeding sites. The ROV will capture videos and depending on the research being conducted, the ROV will be equipped with various sampling devices (to collect water, fish eggs, sediments…) and sensors. ROVOLA also have an educational value as it will be used in schools to raise awareness about current environmental issues of lake ecosystems. Ms. Chloe GOULON, UMR CARRTEL, INRA – Université de Savoie Mont Blanc, Thonon, France, https://www6.dijon.inra.fr/thonon/ | |
Aragon implementing Agenda 2030 through public engagement | |
The Government of Aragon in Spain assumes the mandate of the UN coordinating our regional innovation and sustainability strategies with the agendas for the SDGs. Implementing each of the SDGs requires holistic and coordinated actions among different stakeholders as well as addressing multiple sectors transversally. To implement Agenda 2030, the Presidency of the region has deployed EBRO2030, the plan to achieve sustainable and responsible growth. As part of its activities, EBRO2030 seeks the engagement of all the Aragonese society as well as the added value of evidence-based policy making and scientific advise. At the confluence of both vectors, society and science, we found citizen science. There are recent and important evidences of the need to boost citizen science projects to raise awareness, to implement and to control policies (eg environmental policies). But research-oriented plans are not enough to implement Agenda 2030. In fact, it is needed a number of actions at regional level with all the social, academic, political or business agents. Moreover, alliances with other public bodies at local, national and international scales are also required. This talk will overview major elements of the Ebro2030 agenda as well as the latest evidences on how citizen science and open research are both impacting SDGs and transforming institutions. Mr. Fermin SERRANO SANZ, Government of Aragon, Spain, http://www.aragon.es | |
Dans le sillage des Astyanax au Mexique | |
"Dans le sillage des Astyanax…" est un projet de recherche participative mené en collaboration avec les équipes du CNRS de Gif-sur-Yvette visant à l’étude des population du poisson ‘Astyanax mexicanus’ qui a la particularité d’avoir deux morphotypes, l’un de surface et l’autre cavernicole, en faisant un modèle idéal pour la recherche sur l’évolution, notamment d’un point de vue génétique. Les participants à ce projet sont partis cet hiver au Mexique pour aller directement dans les grottes et les rivières où vivent ces poissons afin de récolter des données sur leur habitat ainsi que des échantillons d’ADN. Les résultats ramenés sont actuellement en cours de traitement au CNRS. Mr François LAMBERT, 17 ans, Participant des Séjours de Sciences Participatives OSI WILD ATTITUDE, France, www.vacances-scientifiques.com | |
Even if the Internet of Things seems to be unavoidable in a globalized world, only very few people really have access to these technologies. That’s why since 2014, La Cool Co has been developing open source hardware devices to facilitate the understanding and custom fabrication of connected objects in order to better understand biology, and our surrounding world. From "Do It Yourself" experimentations on the ground in Africa, through maker training in the United States, La Cool Co has always supported access to knowledge and its sharing, through product production and implementation. open-source solutions are available to help scientists, companies and individuals in civil society to appropriate complex technical systems, and to bring out non-existent data to promote the understanding of our Mother Earth. "Nature is Open Source" is less a marketing motto than a call for awareness for each of us, at an individual or community level, to participate in this new but necessary human society, united in an common interest. Mr. Antoine BERR, OSI - La Cool Co, France, http://lacool.co |
Des Puces sur le terrain ! | |
L’objectif pédagogique de "Puces sur le terrain" était d’initier ou de développer les compétences en informatique et en électronique des participants. Le séjour s’inscrit dans un contexte scientifique concret. En effet, OSI Mexique, associé au CNRS, doivent étudier l’environnement du poisson "Astyanax Mexicanus", celui-ci, une fois "piégé" dans les grottes, a évolué différemment de son homologue vivant dans les rivières. Pour cela, nous avons créé un dispositif capable d’effectuer des relevés de différentes données dans l’environnement des grottes mexicaines qui évolue beaucoup. C’est donc dans ce cadre-là que nous avons effectué différentes activités permettant de concevoir ce dispositif. Les différentes phases du projet furent : Sensibilisation : Envoi par voie postale d’une carte comme point de départ d’un jeu de piste numérique permettant aux participants de prendre connaissance du dossier présentant le camp de vacances. Contact : Jeu de rôle mettant les participants face à des problèmes liées à l’économie, les technologies et l’écologie. Le but étant d’inciter les jeunes à proposer des solutions. Découverte : Cette phase s’est décomposée en deux parties. La première partie a consisté à construire, à partir des composants de bases, des petits projets liés à l’électronique. La deuxième partie a visé à leur apprendre les bases de la programmation par l’utilisation d’associations de blocs à glisser au sein d’un programme. Approfondissement : Construire des circuits électroniques plus complexes commandés par des programmes informatiques sur Arduino Projet : réalisation de deux prototypes d’enregistrement de données Retransmission : présentation informatique de leur séjour et de leurs projets L’objectif initial a bien été atteint par les participants et l’industrialisation des prototypes réalisés par les éducateurs scientifiques après le séjour va permettre aux chercheurs du CNRS d’emmener 3 boitiers de relevé de données lors de leur prochaine expédition dans les grottes Mexicaines. Les Participants des séjours de Sciences Participatives OSI CHIP HACK’ADEMY, France, www.vacances-scientifiques.com | |
Le Programme de Recherche Participative PANTHERA, retour sur 13 ans de Sciences Citoyennes | |
12 years in the service of the Snow Leopard. From scientific study, to the involvement of local populations, through environment education, OSI-PANTHERA is a human and nature adventure in perpetual motion. Mr Bastien CHAIX, Co-Responsable du Programme de Recherche OSI PANTHERA, Kirghizstan, www.osi-panthera.org | |
Sciences Participatives en Paléontologie | |
Paleozoïc is a young paleontology program born in 2014 from a collaboration between the Geneva Natural History Museum and OSI. It is based on a participative research mission in the Swiss Alps. In Provence, the program had open an initiation camp for children to discover paleontologist’s job. And in 2019, we hope to add a new expedition camp in a famous european dinosaurs area in the South of England. Mr Christophe GIRONIS, Responsable du Programme de Recherche Participative OSI PALEOZOIC, France, www.vacances-scientifiques.com |
Presentations curently in Validation process
No Presentations curently in Validation process
Other potential presentations
Education for citizen engagement in science and societal innovation | |||
Université de Lyon has been running Science Shops since 2013. Since, working with university students, researchers and civil society organisations has allowed the successful implementation of various projects, linking these stakeholders together to work and aspire for a better society. To further equip students, researchers and organisations about the importance to work together, Université de Lyon has the aim of giving proper education and training to all the stakeholders. How to set up these trainings and how to reach all stakeholders is a challenge. The presentation will give a critical and constructive overview on what has been done and how to further embetter these trainings. Ms. Shailaja BAICHOO, France, Université des sciences de Lyon, http://boutiquedessciences.universite-lyon.fr/ | |||
Spurring up research through a collaborative research platform : Seintinelles | ||
Cancer is a tangible reality for all of us. 14 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year in the world, and it is estimated that these numbers will increase by 70% in the next 20 years (1). In France, 385,000 new cases are diagnosed each year (2): one in four people will have cancer during their lifetime. Hence, we are all concerned, and it would be beneficial for all, whether directly or indirectly, if tomorrow the illness were better covered and more easily curable. So-called personalised medicine is a hope in cancerology. In order for it to truly be effective for patients, an adapted combination must be identified between a type of cancer, a treatment and a patient. Doctors and researchers must therefore have access to a significant amount of data, to be able to predict how such or such a treatment will operate on such or such a type of cancer, and to adapt it to each individual. This can only be made possible thanks to the civic action of the community as a whole. There will be no personalised medicine without strong collective action. Furthermore, as new technologies have become a strong part of our lives, they are also taking on a role in health and research. The potential and the stakes are there. Researchers used to be technically limited when it came to analysing the data available to them. Today, their analytical potential has increased: what once took months, even years, sometimes takes less than 24 hours nowadays, such as decoding the human genome, for instance. Today, researchers are able to analyse great quantities of data very quickly, namely thanks to technological advances and the advent of digital technology in the health field. But paradoxically, they have a shortage of data at their disposal to do so. Indeed, the recruitment process of participants in a study is long, slow and costly. Each year, hundreds of cancerology research projects are financed in France, yet some never succeed or are heavily delayed, due to a lack of volunteering participants, and despite researchers having gathered the necessary funds and authorisations. This is where the contribution of the general public steps in. By volunteering to make their data available to researchers, they can contribute to accelerating the research process. A recent study has shown that 64% of citizens would be willing to take part in a research project involving their own pathology or that of their loved ones (3). Yet, a dearth of information on the possibility of being involved in key research issues can be felt: Who can one turn to? How to proceed? We were aware of two populations, researchers and the general public, who each needed the other, yet had no canal at their disposal to enable them to collaborate more efficiently, to make advances in cancer research. This observation planted the idea of Seintinelles (4): the first collaborative research platform on cancer in France. Seintinelles is a non profit-making charity under the French law of 1901, supported by the ARC Foundation, the National Cancer Institute and the Chantelle lingerie firm. Its mission is to accelerate the research process by enabling a closer collaboration between the field of research and civil society, whilst increasing all at once quantity, quality and variety of data made available to researchers. The platform launched in 2013 as a first step to this collaboration enabled over 15 research projects on all forms of cancer (and not only breast cancer) to come to fruition, and approximately 17,000 volunteers, men or women, ill or not, to come forward. Whereas recruitment formerly took researchers months to complete, today it only takes a few weeks, even a few days, thanks to the active participation of the general public. References. 1. World Health Organisation, 2012 2.National Cancer Institute. Epidemiology of cancers. http://www.e-cancer.fr/Professionnels-de-sante/Les-chiffres-du-cancer-en-France/Epidemiologie-des-cancers, 2015 3. Ipsos Sopra-Steria Research survey ; May 2016 4. Seintinelles.
Mr Fabien REYAL, France, Association Seintinelles, http://www.seintinelles.com/ | |||
Networking for Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities from Sparkling Science | |||
Sparkling science is a participatory research program in Austria with the specific characteristic: scientistis work side by side with young people in current scientific research projects. As junior colleagues schoolchildren take an active part of the research project, introduce important suggestions into the research approach, collaborate in the conception and conducting of investigations, conduct polls, collect data, interpret it together with the researchers and present the results in creative ways as Science Slams, animated movies, songs…
Challenges and opportunities will be shown from the case of two Sparkling Science projects “Landscape and You-th” (2012-2015) and “BreadTime” (2015-2016): the challenges and opportunities for the research partners, the meaning of reflexion, specifics of data production and evaluation, characteristics of presentation of results. The project “Landscape and You-th – Tracing Flax” focusses on the relationship between local knowledge, landscape and regional identity on the basis of cultivation and manufacturing of the plant flax. In both projects students from Secondary lower schools and the Secondary upper schools were instructed in the method of oral history and interviewed elder locals about the traditional cultivation. Several media products and performances, like an app, a documentary film, a RAP song… should enhance landscape awareness and sustainable tourism in the region and offer added value for all stakeholders. Mrs Andrea Sieber, Alps-Adria-University Klagenfurt, Austria, www.uni-klu.ac.at | |||
From a scientific squat to publications in 8 years : Feedbacks from the French Open Lab initiative LA PAILLASSE | |||
While laboratories still are a scare resource for project leaders and joining research effort is unreachable for most citizens, La Paillasse created a fully equipped Open laboratory from second hand equipement opened to everyone in a squat in 2011. Hosting 40 projects per year as startups, associations and individuals in a 750m2 lab in the center of Paris, 400+ free events/year related to science and tech and new formats of open source collaborative research programs in epidemiology in collaboration with industrials, accompanying the creation of open labs through the world and participating on workgroups with the French ministry of research La Paillasse is experimenting and documenting new ways for academicians and citizens to cooperate. Experiences of success and failures in diffusion of Open labs and Open science will be discussed. Mr. Marc FOURNIER, France, La Paillasse,http://www.lapaillasse.org/ |
STEAM - an all encompassing approach to education | ||
We need to to encourage people to view STEM differently, to perceive Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths as a set of tools with which to create, design, troubleshoot, innovate, and imagine. We want STEAM learning to expand non-linearly and nurture a culture of multidisciplinary disruptive innovation through the power of inspiration and creativity.
We need to nurture an international network with global reach because the challenges we need to solve are global. STEAM needs to be fostered everywhere to catalyze human progress worldwide. Dr Niamh Shaw, Function (Core), Ireland, www.functioncore.io | |||
Combining Arts and Citizen Science - Mobilising participation | |||
Citizen science approaches have become increasingly popular and embedded into data collection methods and participatory research. Our NGO (Bristol Natural History Consortium) has been working over the last 10 years on developing major public-facing activities that bring together tourism, heritage studies, and the arts alongside citizen science activities and educational activities. What new types of thinking and participation can we encourage through new research methods? What special opportunities does the arts provide for engaging people with the natural world? We look forward to sharing new ideas, practical activities, robust audience research and evaluation, and proposals for new collaborative international activities.
Mrs Savita Custead, Bristol Natural History Consortium, United Kingdom, www.bnhc.org.uk | |||
Recherche participative organisationnelle: guide de pratique | |||
La recherche participative consiste à effectuer des recherches avec les participants plutôt que sur eux. Ces derniers sont donc des partenaires de recherche. Ancrée dans les travaux de Kurt Lewin sur la recherche-action, et ceux de Chris Argyris sur l’apprentissage organisationnel (action science), la recherche participative organisationnelle (RPO) est une forme de recherche participative où les partenaires de recherche sont des universitaires et des membres des organisations impliquées. La RPO combine des méthodes de recherche quantitatives, qualitatives ou mixtes avec l’action afin d’améliorer les pratiques, les services et les politiques en soins de santé. Au sein des organisations de santé, la RPO est utilisée pour mettre en pratique des changements en répondant aux défis, en résolvant des problèmes cliniques et non cliniques, ou en développant et en mettant en œuvre des innovations ou des interventions. Elle peut également renforcer les compétences des professionnels de la santé et contribuer à leur développement professionnel et à la satisfaction des patients. Selon la RPO, les organisations partenaires recueillent des données concernant leur pratique et les utilisent pour réfléchir, comprendre et découvrir des savoirs. Par exemple, la RPO peut être appliquée pour développer une pratique réflexive et entraîner un apprentissage organisationnel Basé sur une revue de littérature systématique et validé par des experts dans le domaine, nous avons une guide de pratique de la recherche participative organisationnelle
Mrs Paula BUSH, Canada, Quebec-SPOR SUPPORT Unit, McGill University, http://unitesoutiensrapqc.ca/ | |||
Collaboration of Civil society with National Statistic Offices in Geo Data for a real Data Revolution | |||
The Post-2015 Development Agenda and the Data Revolution raises many opportunities and challenges, such as the innovative use of modern technologies by citizenry in data collection and data presentation with the arising new data sources for official statistics. More recently, the UN World Data Forum was hosted in South Africa under the guidance of the United Nations Statistical Commission with special focus on Development Statistics. Among other objectives, this Forum addressed the intensification of collaboration between governments and civil society stakeholders all around the world. As civil society representatives, we learned from this experience that many governments are truly interested in civil society data base projects. Many NSOs expressed a growing interest in the Openstreetmap (OSM) geodatabase, although some are reluctant and intrigued about how to use data and how to partner with this kind of projects.
On the other hand, many worried government agencies around the world are seeing how their shrinking budgets call for a change in processes, among others for data collection. They are also intrigued about how to use these data and how to work with these civic tech groups, although they may accept that the use of external collaboration can be a great tool to their sustainable development data collection needs. Some have already accepted the assistance and contributions from civil society and other stakeholders, in particular to fill gaps on census coverages and SDG indicators. In this regard, the STATS UP project http://marketplace.data4sdgs.org/resources/stats-filling-statistics-gap-sdg-dissagregating-grassroots-help-nsos aspires to contribute to these needs bringing more allies into the SDG indicators production and census rounds, taking advantage of the effectiveness of the open source and geo open data platforms. The moment to enhance this collaboration between Statistical Offices and civic tech groups is just right in the case of geo open data. The use of new geodata means a great opportunity for local territories to be represented in a greater scale by means of data collection, leveraging a more human scale approach to assure equality in the attainability of sustainable development goals (SDG) . Probably this is because open geodata offers a richer value to address all tiers, especially 2 and 3 level indicators. They can certainly enhance the SDG dialogue in a more “visible” and direct way. For instance, addressing Goal 3.2 asks to “end preventable deaths of newborns”. This goal claims to know and share globally the “where” of health care services, including midwives, are located and what quality of attention they offer, including distances and available means of transport for the assistance to child birth. The more visible local issues are, the easier to tackle they can be. Other many spatial objects can be found in each of the 17 Goals. This presentation will condense the conclusions of the UN Data Forum that may need civic tech collaboration and will explain how collaboration can be more efficient based on global agreements to collaborate with governments. It will also portray the Stats Up project of citizens collecting data for the National Statistic Offices in selected countries using indicators and visualizations to illustrate. The lecture will also explain how to work out agreements with public data organizations filling identified gaps in the SDG indicators production and census coverages in candidate countries. Finally, when possible. it will draw lessons about challenges and opportunities for citizenship to collaborate with governments and statistical offices. |