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Cryptocurrencies international conference at United Nations

Cryptocurrencies international conference at United Nations See detailled presentation

Cryptocurrencies international conference at United Nations

Cryptocurrencies international conference at United Nations See detailled presentation

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Cryptocurrencies international conference at United Nations

The People’s Bank of China has announced the creation of its own cyber currency and the Banque de France has launched a call for projects for the first quarter of 2020 with a view to experimenting with a possible "digital euro".

The Annual International Conference on Crypto-Currencies organised every year at the United Nations in Geneva brings together professionals from the fields of finance, the study of social behaviour, banking, national legislation and also information technology, in order to enable them to update their know how on this study case.

Virtual currencies were thought to have fallen into oblivion with the collapse of Bitcoin in 2019. However, Facebook’s announcement in June of its Libra universal currency project revived the hopes of crypto-currency advocates. Despite the flood of criticism and a series of withdrawals (Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and eBay left the ship without explanation), Libra has the potential to become a virtually universal currency independent of central banks thanks to the 2 billion Facebook users. It has also initiated a movement on the part of all the major financial players.

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